Tiny Humans


I’m in the stage of life where a lot of my friends are having kids. It’s not uncommon to find me at a play-date on the weekends . Nyira was the first baby that I’ve ever taken photos of, and she continues to be my muse. She has a magical quality about her, where she looks at you with such intensity that the rest of the world melts away. My camera and I were there when Cora and Eliza learned how to blow bubbles for the first time. Cora’s face is one of pure joy when she realizes that she can blow as many bubbles as she wants. Eliza is more reserved, and you can see the intensity in her eyes as she eats her cupcake. I didn’t know what to expect at first, but I came to love these tiny humans as much as I love my friendships with their parents. As they grow up, I can see them learn new skills and how they grow into their personalities. These tiny humans have so much of my heart, and they have taught me to be present and enjoy every moment.

